This was amazingly expressed. I loved how you was able to give explanation was rich with different lenses to understand and pull from to get the picture.

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Thank you Saff! I find it important to give as much perspective to paint a full picture.

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Very good article. I am glad I found your work. I followed the path back from the last person who followed my Substack, how apropos! Anyway, your article was timely for me in many ways. I find myself thinking about relationships allot lately. I am very concerned that we are all being siloed off into our separate camps by social media. Also, I think it is evident that social media and other techno forces are making it increasingly difficult for new voices to be heard. I believe that this problem will get worse unless it is recognized and dealt with. It would seem many things are coming to a head at this time. Perhaps Neptune in Aries will bring some revitalization to a world that appears increasingly worn our and tired, at least to me personally. I will look forward to your future articles and maybe you are a sign that I will continue to break out of MY shell and meet more interesting varied and like-minded individuals. So please forgive my bit of self-promo. I write a weekly astrology article. Much of it is political analysis but I do my best to keep it non-partisan. See my latest analysis of the 1960 Presidential debate. https://karlskellenger.substack.com/p/astrological-precedents-in-presidential?r=fjmlo

And this one for something strictly non-political


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Nicely done, Benedictta. I enjoyed the mix of natal, esoteric and mundane.

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Beautiful and rich in information. Love this

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