Connection requires a level of relation, a driving force to bring two entities together. When combining balanced exchange to a connection this is where reciprocity is achieved. This is where mutual understanding, support, and the relationship with self and others can thrive. Reciprocity can be covert, like a mother-child relationship, which isn’t as one-sided as it may appear. In 36 Faces, Austin Coppock said “The child is an extension of the mother, her accomplishment, just as the seed is the fulfillment of the earth's desire to bloom, the mineral lust for greater animation and dynamism.” As the mother provides for her child she receives not only fulfillment but also growth, achievement of creation, and interdependence. A true reflection of Innate Reciprocity that is embodied by the first Decan of Cancer. The Cancer Venus decan is a testament to mutually nurturing relationships, acknowledgement of emotions, and how soft yet fierce love can be. Continue reading to learn more about the Cancer Venus decan, how it correlates to the 2 of Cups Tarot Card, and how the United States is relevant to this Cancer I face.
In a world where strength is paramount, the zodiac sign Cancer is oftentimes labeled as weak or unstable due to the sign’s emotional nature and changeability. In astrology, Cancer represents the mother archetype; in the same way, a mother can be warm, nurturing, and kind she could also be the complete opposite; especially when called for. Akin to a mama bear fiercely protecting her cub or a rabbit eating her young out of self-preservation. The energy of the sign can take just as much as it gives and even more so. Cancer I Decan is the face of the planet of desire, balance, and possession. The influence of Venus in this decan increases Cancer’s protective spirit and resolve over what it cherishes. Providing the subtlety, passion, and skills to endure difficult situations while remaining kindhearted at its core. This is where the duality of being a lover and a fighter meet, protecting what you love at all costs; vulnerability and emotional intelligence are strengths.
The desire to be nurtured goes beyond a mother-child relationship, regularly appearing in romantic relationships. The need to be supported, seen and appreciated runs through all forms of relationships but tends to be non-negotiable in a committed romantic relationship. There is beauty in understanding one’s partner and being able to recognize their needs instinctively and proceed accordingly. The Cancer Venus Decan is about synergy within relationships and the ability to exchange without being depleted. The strength and growth of an individual are multiplied when in the correct partnership. This face encompasses magnetism and the ability to equilibrate; attracting what provides oneself with security and enjoyment while encouraging them to partake fairly.
This Decan is coined “The Lord of Love” which is apparent when reflecting on its Minor Arcana card in tarot, the 2 of Cups. The Rider Waite Smith depiction of the 2 of Cups shows two people holding cups engaging with each other, there is a caduceus between the two cups and a lion’s head above the couple. The lion head represents passion and strength while the caduceus of Hermes, messenger of the gods, refers to connection and potential agreement. The card reflects two people with mutual attraction in union, the cups they're holding are their emotions, and they are expressing vulnerability by essentially wearing their hearts on their sleeves and expressing their feelings toward each other. This image represents the blossoming of a new meaningful relationship or renewal within an existing one. The 2 of Cups acts as a reminder to appreciate simple pleasures, specifically within one-on-one relationships. The act of relating occurs while interacting with others, searching for commonality in conversations, and experiencing enjoyment when reached.
As an astrologer, I love shedding light on how the astrological wheel goes beyond just people. A natal chart is a screenshot of the sky when a person takes their first breath; while an inception chart is the same, except it can be for anything that was done or created. This could pertain to a building, conversation, or even a country. There have been debates over the birth of The United States with different inception charts being used. For this example, I’ll use the Sibley Chart that was created when the US Constitution was signed, on July 4th, 1776.
The United States is a country that is well known for its Cancerian energy with an appreciation of food, family, and comfort. The Country has a 12-degree Sagittarius ascendant placing its four planet stellium in the 8th whole sign house of Cancer. There are two planets In the chart in the Cancer Venus decan, Jupiter and Venus itself. Planets in their own decan tend to be strong if they are well positioned while Jupiter is favorable in the first face of Cancer. It's no surprise the country attempts to retain allyship with other nations, especially with Cancer Venus forming a trine to the Moon in Aquarius, which points to the protective need to mediate or offer aid to other nations. The Venus-Jupiter conjunction appears in the house of therapy, debt, and taxes which goes on to shed further light on the Country’s financial values. The country understands the psychological importance of therapy for the well-being of self. As a result, it’s more common for Americans to not stigmatize the need for mental health treatment compared to other countries. The US has a large emphasis on shared resources, especially within marriages, people within partnerships tend to benefit more financially than individuals. Credit health is paramount to having more financial freedom and assets. Loans can make or break someone depending on how it's cared for; but might be used to obtain an education, homes, and other assets needed for security and fulfillment. How could anyone forget about the Country being 34 Trillion dollars in debt but still maintaining to not being debilitated by the surmounting debt?
In all, the Cancer Venus decan represents mutual exchange and the need to address the desire to connect with others. The exchange can be as visible as the image in the 2 of Cups card or hidden like a mother-child relationship. It is still innately felt and expressed.
About the Author
Benedictta Apwah (she/her) Benedictta is an astrologer, tarot reader and reiki practitioner located in Northern New Jersey. She practices tropical modern astrology and integrates traditional techniques into her delineations. Benedictta utilizes her astrological knowledge, experience and intuition to create a space of self-discovery where one can receive guidance and confirmation. You can book a reading with her at
Instagram: @bclaastro
Substack: Bcla Astro's Newsletter
Twitter / X: Benedictta
“Tarot Class Online: Online Tarot Course Certificate.” Minor Arcana - The Suit of Cups (Ace to Seven), Upskillist, Accessed 4 June 2024.
Pollock, Rachel. “The Minor Arcana.” The New Tarot Handbook, Llewellyn Publications, Woodbury, Minnesota, 2012, pp. 112–113.
Coppock, Austin, and Bob Eames. 36 Faces: The History, Astrology and Magic of the Decans. Three Hands Press, 2014.
Chang, T. Susan. 36 Secrets: A Decanic Journey through the Minor Arcana of the Tarot. Anima Mundi Press, 2021.
“Rabbit Cannibalism | Mississippi State University Extension Service.” Mississippi State University Extension, Accessed 4 June 2024.
This was amazingly expressed. I loved how you was able to give explanation was rich with different lenses to understand and pull from to get the picture.
Very good article. I am glad I found your work. I followed the path back from the last person who followed my Substack, how apropos! Anyway, your article was timely for me in many ways. I find myself thinking about relationships allot lately. I am very concerned that we are all being siloed off into our separate camps by social media. Also, I think it is evident that social media and other techno forces are making it increasingly difficult for new voices to be heard. I believe that this problem will get worse unless it is recognized and dealt with. It would seem many things are coming to a head at this time. Perhaps Neptune in Aries will bring some revitalization to a world that appears increasingly worn our and tired, at least to me personally. I will look forward to your future articles and maybe you are a sign that I will continue to break out of MY shell and meet more interesting varied and like-minded individuals. So please forgive my bit of self-promo. I write a weekly astrology article. Much of it is political analysis but I do my best to keep it non-partisan. See my latest analysis of the 1960 Presidential debate.
And this one for something strictly non-political