Wow, this was such a great read! Thank you! 🙏

I’ve been studying the transits through the hexagrams of the I’Ching (aka gates in human design) as they relate to the zodiac, and Gemini III encompases Standstill (the gate of Caution) and Humility (the gate of Extremes). They line up so accurately based on your article! Standstill/Caution is about using words wisely (the selective revelation of truth), and Humility/Extremes is about the dark/light dichotomy in the human experience.

Guess it makes sense that these are the pre-solstice decan & gates, light and shadow are iextreme right now. The sun/Saturn rulerships are fascinating. Thanks for the insights!

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Thank you for sharing these insights, many of which resonated with my 10th house, third Decan Mars in Gemini. I love the depth of your writing!

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With 28 Gemini, rising, I fit your description of this decan quite well, and i’m struck by the depths that you draw out of this particular face. It’s a pleasure to read your writing.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this article. Thank you for sharing your wonderful insights!

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Very well done Mr Kyle, and thank you. I also appreciate your general article on remediation. Happy to see people doing this work, as so many people seem to get hung up on their birth chart and begin to see it as some kind of Gnostic jail cell. So important to remember we are here to learn, grow and evolve. Thank you for expanding the astro tool-kit in those regards. All my best

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