This is an excellent, informative, well-put-together article, so thanks for writing and sharing it!
As a kid growing up in the 1980s, I remember learning about the Robin Hood myth/archetype and immediately resonating with it. I mean, really, who doesn't want to hang out with a bunch of Merry Men in a lovely forest, mischievously stealing from the rich to give to the poor? (Or as you so memorably put it, "withholding from the rich, worldbuilding with the poor." Nice!)
I remember being mostly disappointed by the 1991 Hollywood Big Budget movie "Robin Hood" with Kevin Costner, but now, after reading your article and learning that they actually feed their captives, I feel like a scene showing that may have spiced that sucker up a bit! Anyway, that's a really cool bit of Robin Hood trivia you shared---and it makes me like his archetype even more.
(Also, as I was reading, the astrologer in me instantly wanted to see if we had a natal chart for Robin Hood (LOL). A Gemini, perhaps? Or maybe Gemini Sun with Moon in the 3rd Decan of Aquarius, making a trine to his Sun? I like it!).
Anyway, over the past year on Substack, I've definitely enjoyed learning about the decans and the Tarot cards that sites like this one have shared, as it's solidified my understanding of both divinatory practices of astrology and Tarot.
The last thought was just that comment by T. Susan Chang about the "divided mind"---that makes total sense considering we are in the final 10 degrees of the Fixed Air sign before it melts away into double-bodied, watery Pisces. I've also heard that Aquarius is connected to fragmentation so this feels like another aspect of completing that process.
As I've been looking out into the world and engaging with a variety of different perspectives, it can certainly seem like I'm all alone with my thoughts and that too many content creators are tapping into that but then going the nasty extra mile of suggesting that if you don't share those thoughts, then somehow you're a bad person (or you have bad motivations).
I believe to truly live up to the Higher Ideal of Aquarius, we must work with the authentic, vulnerable path of self-actualization that its opposite, Leo, asks of us. By doing that, we can both be confident and comfortable in our unique gifts while not needing to put down others whose gifts are very different (or even may feel off-putting).
Okay, putting the soap box back into the closet---once again, great read and I enjoyed riffing off of it for a few minutes here during my light Sunday brunch!
I build solar energy and manufacture solar panels in TX. Bringing energy sovereignty to Native American tribes! And my hubby bought a star named after me in Aqua III in total coincidence! Namesake vesta in the fourth on my son’s sun. MC and Moon culminating Libra II.
thoroughly enjoyed this read 💘
This is an excellent, informative, well-put-together article, so thanks for writing and sharing it!
As a kid growing up in the 1980s, I remember learning about the Robin Hood myth/archetype and immediately resonating with it. I mean, really, who doesn't want to hang out with a bunch of Merry Men in a lovely forest, mischievously stealing from the rich to give to the poor? (Or as you so memorably put it, "withholding from the rich, worldbuilding with the poor." Nice!)
I remember being mostly disappointed by the 1991 Hollywood Big Budget movie "Robin Hood" with Kevin Costner, but now, after reading your article and learning that they actually feed their captives, I feel like a scene showing that may have spiced that sucker up a bit! Anyway, that's a really cool bit of Robin Hood trivia you shared---and it makes me like his archetype even more.
(Also, as I was reading, the astrologer in me instantly wanted to see if we had a natal chart for Robin Hood (LOL). A Gemini, perhaps? Or maybe Gemini Sun with Moon in the 3rd Decan of Aquarius, making a trine to his Sun? I like it!).
Anyway, over the past year on Substack, I've definitely enjoyed learning about the decans and the Tarot cards that sites like this one have shared, as it's solidified my understanding of both divinatory practices of astrology and Tarot.
The last thought was just that comment by T. Susan Chang about the "divided mind"---that makes total sense considering we are in the final 10 degrees of the Fixed Air sign before it melts away into double-bodied, watery Pisces. I've also heard that Aquarius is connected to fragmentation so this feels like another aspect of completing that process.
As I've been looking out into the world and engaging with a variety of different perspectives, it can certainly seem like I'm all alone with my thoughts and that too many content creators are tapping into that but then going the nasty extra mile of suggesting that if you don't share those thoughts, then somehow you're a bad person (or you have bad motivations).
I believe to truly live up to the Higher Ideal of Aquarius, we must work with the authentic, vulnerable path of self-actualization that its opposite, Leo, asks of us. By doing that, we can both be confident and comfortable in our unique gifts while not needing to put down others whose gifts are very different (or even may feel off-putting).
Okay, putting the soap box back into the closet---once again, great read and I enjoyed riffing off of it for a few minutes here during my light Sunday brunch!
Really cool analysis!
Bullseye. Aqua Mercury 26.
Oh and Venus Aqua 17. Pisces zero sun.
I build solar energy and manufacture solar panels in TX. Bringing energy sovereignty to Native American tribes! And my hubby bought a star named after me in Aqua III in total coincidence! Namesake vesta in the fourth on my son’s sun. MC and Moon culminating Libra II.
Virgo stellium. Thank you!
Fabulous post! I am just delving into decans. Thank you!