The most popular Instagram pictures are often sunsets and sunrises, that liminal time of day. So many romantic poses, proposals or poetic prose spring inspired from the beautiful skyscape that is created as we watch the Sun’s (symbolic) death and rebirth every day. When we enjoy a beautiful sunset we always trust that it will rise again in the morning. Have you ever doubted it? Have you ever gazed, entranced at the wondrous beauty of a low, full moon? Have you ever struggled with the existential question of what both of our Luminaries offer and mean to us?
Astrologers consider this regularly. Intellectually, we know that the Sun’s light and heat are constant, it is only from our perspective on Earth that the Sun dips below our horizon, casting instead a reflective light on our other Astrological Luminary, the Moon. The Moon, for us on Earth, moves through phases, reflecting the Sun’s light as it travels, just as the Sun moves through seasons of light. Eclipses bring these questions to the forefront when the Sun’s light is visibly, temporarily blocked from us.
We also have the astronomical wonder that despite their distance from our earth, and their difference in size, from our perspective they are equal in size. Thus, either has the ability to totally eclipse the other and draw our fascinated attention down the ages. Surely there is something magical or divine here, pick your poison!
We can easily take these for granted in our electrically lit and heated world. However, my grandparents were born into a world without electricity or central heating.
We are only a few generations away from the hundreds of thousands of ancestors in our DNA who relied on the light of the Sun and Moon, their seasons and phases to organise their lives.
I encourage you to pause and reflect on this the next time you enjoy a sunrise, sunset, or a beautiful Moon. There is a reason we are so drawn to these sights still, like the Divines’ greatest work of art, fleeting and just for your eyes, unique to that one moment in time.
So how does this relate to the Decan of Scorpio II? I am a Traditional Astrologer, so for my work, Mars, the Warrior Planet of Action is the domicile Ruler of Scorpio and this is the sign where the Moon is depressed or in fall, opposite to its Exaltation in Taurus. Rhetorius wrote:
“Where the Moon, who is the fortune, fate and circumstances of all, is depressed, nothing can be lifted up”
This offers us some insight into the midpoint of the Scorpio Decan journey. The middle Decan is said to be the fixed midpoint and this is a fixed sign of the water element. Water wants to flow and transform, and yet here it is fixed and contained. Water needs to be contained in some way to come into form. We view the Sun as consciousness and the Moon as the translator of light to take that consciousness and turn it into form or matter. The Moon’s work is to gather as it visits the planets on its waxing journey, and then disseminate as it wanes.
We know that water will transform into the shape of its container and we can sense this transformation process in Scorpio. As the Moon falls, the only option for Her is to rise again, but in what form is the container of choice? How does this feel for us, for natives with Scorpio Moons or as the Moon transits Scorpio, and the fixed midpoint of Scorpio II?
Water can hold or represent memories, insights, feelings and emotions. Water is healing and supportive, we can easily float, seemingly weightless in it. Who didn’t get excited as a child when they were the first to “see the sea” on a trip (I still do)? One of our Luminaries, so important in governing the rhythms of life for our Ancestors was depressed here, what could that mean, for them, and us? Even shallow water can also be deadly, stagnant water, fixed and contained can grow disease. So, it needs to generate its own energy, its own momentum, to support the Moon to move towards Her rise?
The Moon in Traditional Astrology is a Universal significator of our Environment, the setting of our life story, Fortune, Fate and circumstances. It is multivalent and can also represent Topical topics, the Women who are important to us, Mothers, Sisters, primary carers, our Emotions, how we nurture and need to be nurtured, and our vulnerabilities are exposed here. I was first drawn into Astrology when I learned my Moon placement and googled it. Learning how accurately that placement spoke to my life story was a shock that drew me in and I had to learn more.
A planet is in its Depression, or Fall in the sign opposite its Exaltation and the Moon is Exalted in earthy, Venusian Taurus. Taurus is sextile Cancer, the Moon’s Domicile. All nocturnal Exaltations are sextile to their Domicile as sextiles are the nature of Venus and Venus is the Benefic of the Night Sect. Astrology holds layers of beautiful meaning when it is unpacked and learned from its Traditional basics.
A depressed planet refers to the fall, descent, or decline of fortune for a planet and its natural or topical significations. It may indicate that something has fallen due to a misfortune, or a starting point that a native must face and address, maybe struggle against, before they may rise.
I use a dual Decan rulership taught by Austin Coppock in his Decan Course. In the Descending Order Method, Scorpio II is ruled by the Sun. The symbolism of the Sun and Moon can be examined through the lens of Platonic Philosophy, which forms the building blocks of Hellenistic Astrology. The Sun symbolises the ideal, eternal, and unchanging realm. It represents the primary motion of the sky and the source of life. The Moon symbolises the secondary motion of the planets, and our material world of fluctuation, impermanence, and change.
We can see this alchemy brought to life in Scorpio II as the Sun offers Rulership over the fallen Moon to manifest material change in this fixed decan when they come together in Sacred Trust.
This is the Feminine, watery, fixed Temple of warrior Mars and yet the Moon, representing our feminine qualities, the intuition and reflective qualities of water struggles to express Her significations. However, it sounds like a place where the Moon might find nourishing comfort and some familiarity.
The Moon can only now address the fall, accept these circumstances and begin her journey to rise again from a place where the Moon is learning what it is to struggle, to not reflect gloriously and joyously in pure innocence. To face the darkness in oneself, to bring awareness to shadow and to come to terms with it, and maybe, rise because of (or despite) it? To acknowledge and integrate that shadow or shame within.
It is not to reject or suppress the shadow, where emotional dissonance can arise, the Moon and Mars ask us to take full stock of the predicament. To strategically plan a way forward. The Sun is here, waiting to shine illuminating light on this rise, to offer consciousness, purpose and inspiration. To offer the Life bringing essence granted to us all and remind the Moon of Her vital role, she cannot linger here.
The second Decan ruler in the Triplicity Method is Jupiter. The Sun and Jupiter are both Life-giving planets. However, the Sun can be thought of as Malefic when planets are burned up by its Rays. This happens when they are Combust or Under the Beams within an 8 or 15-degree range of the Sun. The Moon experiences this small death and rebirth every 29 days in its phases as it reaches its Dark Moon and New Moon phase, close to the Sun and unable to reflect the Sun’s rays.
Jupiter as the Greater Benefic offers wisdom, order, benevolence, and faith, Jupiter will give a firm foundation to our beliefs. Together, Jupiter and the Sun will generously support the Moon to restore Her faith on her journey to rise again from her fall.
Ptolemy explained why we see planets as either life-giving or destructive. In Ancient Astrology Vol 1 (Demetra George) we find:
“Venus and Jupiter are benefic because they abound in the hot and moist qualities which are conducive to the growth of living things. (Ptolemy, Tetrabiblios). The cold and dry qualities that are destructive to life are associated with Mars and Saturn and thus predispose these planets to being malefic in nature”
Mars itself is described by Valens with a list of violent significations, he adds that it is “hard and abrupt”. Abu Ma'shar says:
“his nature is heating, drying, fiery, yellow bile and its taste bitter…he indicates youth, strength, mental sharpness, heat, fires, conflagration, every matter occurring suddenly”
We need to reflect on how Mars may manifest in fixed water when action becomes sustained. I visualise the soldiers confined to the base, maybe ensuring the water supplies, so crucial to the life and good health of their comrades are well maintained. This is why we need to look to the Decan rulers for more information on how Mars navigates this fixed water Temple.
The Thema Mundi is a teaching tool for Traditional Astrologers and also a chart which is believed to show the birth of the Universe. We can see the relationship of Scorpio II with its Decan Rulers. Aspects offer Testimony or a Witness from the two planets which form a relationship of ‘sight’.
It is helpful and important for Astrologers that Rulers have a line of sight to the planets or areas they have dominion over to express their significations effectively. We know in our own world what problems can develop when a ruler is kept ‘in the dark’.
Scorpio has a square relationship to Leo, the Sun’s domicile. As squares are of the nature of Mars, this shows that there is some tension to be resolved and some action needed.
Scorpio has no sight of Jupiter’s Yang domicile of Sagittarius, this could be a potential blindspot, an unwillingness to embark on the questing nature of exploration that Jupiter expresses in Yang, fiery Sagittarius.
There is a supportive trine to Jupiter’s Yin watery domicile of Pisces. Trines are of the nature of Jupiter, generous, flowing and easy. This gives us further insight into how Mars in this Decan may also manifest under these influences, where there is support from Triplicity “friends” the Water triplicity support will also be available to Mars from a much more empowered Moon-ruled Cancer.
Hephasitio describes the second decan of Scorpio:
“The person who is born upon the second decan [of Scorpio] will be great, wealthy, domineering, educated, pleasant speaking, prudent, having acquired many of his own things, knowledgeable in many things, partakes of many arts, music and wrestling school …..there will be marks around the bosom and loins”
This drew my attention, I have Mars in this Decan and in March this year, I underwent a minor procedure resulting in a small scar on my chest. Astrology can be so literal at times. It is also interesting how it seems the native has many Martial qualities, but we can see the softening effects of the depressed Moon. The native appears to have acquired their own fortune, it seems the Decan rulers of Sun and Jupiter have blessed the Decan.
When I reflect on the way that Mars may operate in this decan, the place where the Moon is in fall, so none can be exalted, yet the Sun and Jupiter rule. They both wish to give life to this contained water, ennoble it and raise it up. It seems that Mars too is also raised, and the instinctive destructive, abrupt, confrontational nature is tempered by the Decan and Bound rulers (Venus and Mercury). We also see this with the calmer lunar, nocturnal, yin energy. This isn’t Mars crashing about in battle, rushing into conflict, quick to act that we are familiar with in Aries. This is the sensitive, softer and reflective side, what Mars fights FOR, defends and protects. This is what the pincers of the Scorpion, the crusty exterior are protecting and hiding so well, the soft, vulnerable inside. We often see that anger can originate from a place of pain, so what does Mars hide away here? What insecurities does he cover in aggression?
Adam Elenbass, my teacher at Nightlight Astrology uses the analogy of ‘Turning the Jewel’ and in Scorpio II Mars tunes into another facet of the jewel that can often go less celebrated or seen in the nocturnal light. Mars experiences and learns a different way to resolve conflict, a strategic pause, possibly influenced by the Moon’s need to face the darkness, lean into and learn from the shadows and maybe find an alternative way.
I like to think that under the guidance of the Sun and Jupiter teaching that Mars is enough in himself, he has nothing to prove, offering him the faith and wisdom of the ages he finds the way to bring forth his divine purpose and reaches his higher aspirations and greater truths. Creating a unique alchemy, he realises that he can seek a win-win.
There doesn’t always need to be a conqueror and a conquered. He needs to embrace and honour his vulnerability, open up to trust and choose wisely before he offers this potential merging of interests. Mars is not familiar with relying on others, he is the ultimate defender. It is the greatest journey and lesson in humility and offers the greatest rewards.
What if merging creates an altered reality? I am reminded of my English history lessons and the Norman invaders who had the greatest success by quietly keeping English laws and systems, altering them slowly with consent and changing them from within by intermarrying. Their children and descendants were able to hold the greatest seats of power in the country unopposed. Reduced pockets of resistance to manage and battle against, it was a long game. This seems like a Scorpio II strategy, fewer lives lost, less damage to livelihoods and a wealthier economy to control.
By the mid-1180s, well over one hundred years after the Norman Conquest, the author of the Dialogue of the Exchequer, a manual for the workings of the Exchequer (the ‘finance department’ of English royal government) refers to widespread intermarriage amongst the people of free birth as a result of the Norman Conquest: “but now with the English and the Normans living side by side and intermarrying, the two nations are so mixed that today one can scarcely distinguish who is English and who is Norman – among free persons, that is.”
Ibn-Ezra wrote about this Decan as:
“A woman who has left her house; she is naked and has nothing on and she is entering the sea”
She would eventually merge with the endless ocean, we can see this surrender to the waves and the water. She doesn’t have any protection of clothing, he has emphasised that twice, maybe he also means no additional adornments of jewellery and this draws our attention to the vulnerability and trust, the absolute immersion and alchemy of body and water, totally merged. Nicola says:
“They remind us that to realise such ideal connections, vulnerability and intimacy must be present and over time, a deep sense of trust must be carefully built. When heavy seas bring choppier waters to your relationship, this is what may be relied upon to help you both safely navigate back to shore.”
Again, we see how time is present in the equation, the Mars Scorpion measures the situation carefully and the trust, once offered is a precious gift of the deepest friendships or partnerships you are ever likely to enjoy.
Scorpio is known as a sign that thrives on deep intimacy and we especially witness this in Scorpio II. Austin Coppock has named this decan Dual Distillation and in his course on the decans ( I am not lucky enough to have a copy of 36 Faces, yet!) he talks about how it requires a willingness to merge. When you merge at this deep, vulnerable level, potentially a physical sharing of body fluids in the alchemy or melting of minds and ideas, there is a vulnerability and trust in the other. This relies on and depends on the willingness of both parties to engage in an intimate, emotional exchange.

It is as though Mars himself is undergoing this process of surrender and vulnerability. A process of humility as destructive instincts are sidelined temporarily for a merging with the Sun and Jupiter to learn what he can from their life-giving properties. Laying down his Sword and Shield and allowing his wounds to be explored, cleansed, purified and potentially healed by the other.
I imagine this process is overseen by the fallen Moon who can now find a place where she can also explore her depression, learn how to flourish again, and begin her rise. After all, deep emotions and this raw vulnerability is her daily bread and butter and transmuting is her skill. She can perform and enable this alchemy with Mars as she nurtures him and learns about herself and her shadows in the process.
The Water Element is significant too here. When I was first learning astrology Scorpio water was the hardest element to imagine, fixed water? I kept wanting to think of fiery
Mars. However, it is important to explore what fixed water has to offer us. It is different to the water we find in Cardinal Cancer or Mutable Pisces. The water here in Scorpio needs to generate its own momentum or heat source, otherwise it runs the risk of turning stagnant. I think of swamp water, hot springs, geysers, and even a hot bath which cools. Ocean water within a deep, dark cave is left behind as the tide ebbs out. Water from the depths of the earth contains an element of mystery still for us. We do know that water can cleanse, purify and heal.
It is not a leap therefore to see how the dual distillation of fluids in a water elemental sign can offer a merging and demand purity of souls to enter into the partnership. Memories become linked and shared, intuition heightens and imagination soars. The partnership becomes greater than the sum of its parts. With its own internal combustion and fixed lasting power, there is great potential for relationships, whether romantic, business, friendship or otherwise formed with the blessing of this decan.
Scorpio II is a place of Transmutation, but never forget that this is Mars’ Temple. If you are in a relationship with a Scorpio II native you may already know what I mean. There is purpose, strategy and steel behind that willingness to merge and create alchemy. Never, ever, make the mistake of thinking you have found a soft touch, and always respect the boundaries.
In Dreaming the Decans, T Susan Chang captures this perfectly: “…Timeless Key to long-long treasure.
In daylight for one day we live. That which I love I dare to give, For gifts can never have a price. Find meaning in the sacrifice.
In the twilight haze I see Ghosts of blessed memory. The present slips into the past; Love alone is sure to last…..”
Chart Example - Prince Harry (Henry), Duke of Sussex
Many of us have witnessed Prince Harry’s Saturn and MC in the Second Decan of Scorpio play out publicly. This Saturn placement is so loud and fixed in his chart.
It is the ruler of his ascendant, his malefic of Sect, and in the House of Good Spirit. It is in a degree-based engagement with both his Ascendant and Descendant by sextile and trine. It is also ruled by his malefic out-of-sect, Mars in the challenging 12 House in aversion (no line of sight).
Most notably it also opposes his exalted Moon conjunct his IC and North Node in his 5thHouse, The Joy of Venus.
This joyful Moon feels all of Saturn’s heaviness while it rules his relationships in the 7th House. It shows that while so loving, there were difficulties to resolve with his mother and loss in that relationship. Possibly, we will see that pattern repeat, in a different way, with his children, as we find the Moon in his 5th House in Saturn’s Decan, ruled by a public, dignified Venus that it is averse to.
Particularly because of his birth, Sacred Trust will have been an ever-present theme for him. His mother struggled with knowing which of her closest friends could be trusted when people around her were leaking stories. The love and closeness they shared can also be seen as Venus is in her Joy in the 5th, but he had to share her publicly with Venus ruling his Taurus 5th House from his public 10th House of Praxis. This makes me think of the images of him following in her footsteps and retracing the prominent landmine campaign by revisiting the path that she trod. His Saturn and Venus share mutual reception by triplicity, so there are many ways that his work, hopes and dreams are supported and reflected to him in public.
Harry, himself is the figurehead of a campaign against Media Hacking and has led multiple high-profile court cases in the UK. We can see this with Exalted and Domiciled Mercury as the Bound Lord of both Saturn and Jupiter. Jupiter is Lord of his 3rd House and Benefic of Sect as Bound Lord of his Scorpio II Saturn and MC.
Saturn is the Lord of Time and it is notable that his campaign against the Media is ongoing and has comprised many skirmishes and battles lost and won. Who wins the war, we are yet to see, but he is a formidable opponent and should not be underestimated, or expected to throw in the towel.
We also see his willingness to merge within relationships and the all-or-nothing way that the Dual Distillation can play out. When Harry was on the world stage as the playboy brother of the married William and Kate, we witnessed him appearing fully accepted as a beloved brother-in-law and Son. He looked as close as it was possible to be as he shared jokes with William and Kate on the public stage. Whenever the three appeared together, they appeared lighthearted, happy and in sync. It was heartwarming to see brothers so close, and that Prince William’s marriage hadn’t changed that dynamic.
However, a fourth was added when Harry met Meghan Markle and he turned to merge his life with her. The Sacred trust between Harry, his brother and his sister-in-law appears to have been shattered. After all, it gets more difficult to offer yourself so deeply in multiple relationships.
With time (Saturn), the world came to understand the full cost of his Dual Distillation with Meghan and the Royal Family and the UK saw Harry make the challenging decision to walk away from his birthright. We can see this shown by his Aries 4th House (ruled by Mars, the Traditional Ruler of Scorpio and Harry’s Saturn) and we find Mars in the challenging ‘bad’ 12 House of loss and mental health struggles. His Virgo Sun (ruled by co-present domiciled and exalted Mercury, Saturn’s bound ruler) in the 9th House of Kings, possibly indicating his expat future.
Whatever anyone thinks of his actions, and there are plenty of views, Harry has certainly stood his ground and offered the world a full view of his vulnerability. We can see how he craves deep intimacy in his relationships, but also that once that Sacred Trust is broken, or boundaries are crossed, it is so hard to return and rebuild.
After the Hiroshima, Fukushima, and Chernobyl nuclear disasters, fields of sunflowers were planted across the affected landscapes to help absorb toxic metals and radiation from the soil. Research now suggests that sunflowers (Helianthus) might be as good for the environment as they are pretty to look at, performing their own alchemy. If I had to choose my Scorpio II image, it might look something like a field of Sunflowers at Sunrise or Twilight.
Astro Mindfulness Exercise for the Decan of Scorpio II
Allan, N., The Wild Way, Available at: <>
Chang, T.S., Dreaming the Decans.
Coppock, A., Austin Coppock, Available at: <>
George, D., 2019. Ancient Astrology in Theory and Practice: A Manual of Traditional Techniques. Volume 1. Berkeley, CA: Rubedo Press.
Obert, C., The Classical Seven Planets: Source Texts and Meanings.
Ryberg, K., The Decans E-Book, Available at: <>
van Houts, E., The Norman Conquest of England: Women, Invasion and Migration, Our Migration Story. Available at: <>
About the Author
Sonia Geary A contemporary Certified Hellenistic Astrologer, I blend coaching, astrology, and mindfulness for a compassionate and practical approach. I hold certifications in Predictive Modern Astrology, Wellbeing Coaching, and Therapeutic Mindfulness.
Now in the 3rd and 4th year studying Horary and Consultation Skills with Adam Elenbaas at Nightlight Astrology School, and Hellenistic Astrology with Chris Brennan.
My daily practice includes meditation, and connecting with the planets and stars. My joy is creating original Astro Mindfulness as devotion.
With a Level 7 CIPD degree and a background in HR, I offer Astrology consultations and Astro Coaching. Find me sharing insights through YouTube, SubStack, and podcasts.
Youtube: Celestia Astrology
Instagram: Celestiaastrology
Website: Celestiaastrology
Damn this article is lengthy yet full of wholesome goodness. I need the cliff notes version 😅 Happy to have found this account ❣️