If there’s one word that perfectly describes Aries II it’s this: royalty. As the only decan ruled by the Sun in both the Chaldean Order system and the Triplicity system, Aries II is known for its sovereignty, nobility, and leadership. If Aries I describes forging a new path, then Aries II depicts the aftermath. Once the conquest has been completed and the hard-won territory has been claimed, it's time to decide what should be done with this kingdom and most importantly who should lead it. Aries II denotes power that is not inherited but earned. The battle-hardened leader who garners respect not only because of who they are but because of what they’ve been through.
Many ancient texts describe this decan as a woman with green or red robes who has an abnormal leg, usually one that’s injured. Mo from the Fixed Astrology Podcast has likened this to a battle wound, a scar that proclaims “I fought for this!”. Although the war has passed, the injury serves as a reminder of the martial efforts that were needed to enjoy the present solar victory.
Travel & Opportunity

As a solar decan, Aries II is about envisioning the future, which is showcased in the Three of Wands, the tarot card associated with this decan. In the Rider-Waite-Smith deck, we can see a man in yellow and red robes staring at a golden sky and the ships that dot the calm sea below. In her blog T. Susan Chang suggests that this man is a merchant looking “upon the ships he's sent to sea, hoping they will return his investment threefold”, indicating that this is a card about waiting, hopeful expectations, expansion, and eventual success.
As a tarot reader, I call the Three of Wands the “travel” card as I often see it when my clients or I are about to or have just traveled, usually abroad. However, this card is not really about travel in and of itself but rather more about the opportunities and experiences that travel provides. Travel often allows us to expand our realities and envision a life beyond our own. By connecting with cultures and peoples outside ours, we can take that knowledge and enrich our own lives with a deeper and more informed perspective of the world. All of this can also make us better leaders.
Leadership & Responsibility

In my video essay, “Explaining the Aries Decans With 3 Martial Movies”, I compare Aries II to Ari Aster’s 2018 horror film Hereditary. If you haven’t seen the movie, don’t worry I won’t spoil it, but it does depict incredibly potent images of power and sovereignty through familial relationships. In my video, I talk about the responsibility that comes with rulership. When you’re in charge of creating your own reality you must ensure that the rules you invent are worth abiding by - unless you want another war on your hands. In 36 Faces Austin Coppock names Aries II “The Crown” and says, “those who intentionally generate their own world always find it stocked with refugees and settlers”, showcasing the inherent responsibility of this face. After all, the ripple effects of bending reality to your will often don’t just affect you but everyone around you as well. To lead effectively, you must be willing to cherish and honor the trust you were handed as if it were your own.
Celebrity Example: Celine Dion
Note: Rodden Rating A
One celebrity that I feel is a great example of this decan is Celine Dion who has both her Sun and Saturn conjunct the Midheaven in Aries II. Celine Dion is a Canadian singer known for being the “Queen of Power Ballads”. From a very young age, Dion had been passionate about singing, giving up the chance at a normal adolescence to chase her dreams. As the youngest of 14 children, Dion grew up in a poor family in a town on the outskirts of Montreal. She first broke into the world of music at the age of 12 when she met René Angélil, a music producer who eventually became her husband. Dion’s story depicts the common Aries II struggle of fighting to rise to power and acclaim. She wasn’t born with extraordinary wealth or opportunities and had to fight for them, sacrificing part of her childhood to succeed.
As a Leo rising ruled by an exalted Sun, Dion possessed the drive and ambition that many Aries II natives have. The desire to create your own world outside of the limitations that society pushes onto you. Her Saturn in Aries II conjunct her Midheaven highlights the assistance she received from older figures to help her succeed, including her husband and music producer, René Angélil and her numerous siblings. In her autobiography Dion wrote, “I had always lived surrounded by adults and children a lot older than me. I learned everything I needed to know from them. As far as I was concerned, real life existed around them”, emphasizing the importance of her elders in her life.
The Struggles of a Fallen Saturn

Furthermore, Dion’s fallen Saturn on the Midheaven also indicates the way her health and her marriage have impacted her career as Saturn rules her Capricorn 6th house and Aquarius 7th house respectively. Although Dion’s angular Aries Sun helped her achieve her career goals relatively young in life, her debilitated Saturn has shown up in the health issues she faces now that have caused her to stop touring and make public appearances. Despite the difficulties, Dion’s Saturn in Aries II has kept her legacy enduring even as she slowly steps out of the limelight.
As someone who also has an angular Aries II Saturn in the 10th house, I relate to Dion’s career journey, although I did not rise to superstardom when I was a teenager. However, I relate to her ambition and early life hardships as I also come from a poor family and navigate the world as a queer, neurodivergent Black person. Even though my Saturn doesn’t have much dignity in Aries II, its placement there has given me the strength and confidence to go after what I want. In 36 Faces Austin Coppock has this to say about Saturn in Aries II natives, “Their power and charisma is constrained until they have accomplished a successful deconstruction of the reality they inherited and reconstruct it in an authentic manner.” I’ve found this increasingly true, especially as I approach my first Saturn return and fight to circumnavigate the limitations imposed on me by myself, my family, and the world.
Overall, Aries II is a powerful decan that encapsulates royalty, sovereignty, and dominion. For electional and magical purposes, Aries II is a great face to call upon whenever you need to create a world that bends to your will. This decan has the incredible power of establishing laws of nature that benefit you and your people. However, it’s important to remember that you must also take on the tremendous responsibility that comes with enormous power. Once you master both the weight and beauty of sovereignty, you will truly be able to appreciate and cultivate your inner royalty.
About the Author
Solar Simone (they/them) is a practicing astrologer and tarot reader with over eight years of experience. As a writer and visual artist, they use astrology and tarot as a lens for understanding their own personal narrative, creating monthly visual lunar calendars and writing creative nonfiction that uses their birth chart as a source of divine inspiration. Overall, divination has been their ritual and roadmap to guide themselves and others.
To explore more of their art and writing, visit their website: www.solarsimone.net
Twitter / X: @ solarsimone
Instagram: @ solarsimone888
Tiktok: @ solarsimone
Youtube: Solar Simone
Chang, S. (2019, October 9). Reading the Decans: Kingdom of gold [Aries II]. T. Susan Chang: All Tarot All the Time. https://www.tsusanchang.com/blog/2019/4/3/reading-the-decans-kingdom-of-gold-aries-ii
Coppock, A. (2014). 36 Faces: The History, Astrology and Magic of the Decans. Three Hands Press.
Mo. Fixed Astrology Podcast, Spotify, https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/fixedastropod
Solar Simone. (2023, April 19). 3 Martial Movies to Watch This Aries Season [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLPdQZiE9so]. Youtube.
Born with Saturn here, about 10 days after Dion. Grew up poor too but there was no help from elders at all. I was homeless for a while. Even once I broke into the Astrology community, it has mostly all been on me. So yeah, that means lots of scars. People often ask why do you hold on to the past, the pain? But like you said, its the proof that I earned all this. Thanks for explaining that to folks
I love this!!! I love how you explored all aspects of the decan for a well-rounded understanding 🤩💫💖